Candice Escamilla

Office Manager

Candice Escamilla

Candice Escamilla was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. She graduated with her MBA from the University of Alaska and has worked in both public and private businesses for over 20 years, including non-profits, startups, and Fortune 500 companies. Candice thrives in helping businesses become more successful than even they thought was possible. She served as a Master at Arms in the United States Navy and continues that same drive and passion when working with staff and clients.

Candice has been a competitive figure skater throughout her life and loves the freedom of expression and movement that skating brings. She loves to perform and continues to coach, train, and share her love of the sport with others. Candice has a love of small and long dogs. She has a Pembroke Welsch Corgi and a Dachshund that are her very spoiled and loved fur babies.

Diana Brooks



(469) 714-0012


5900 S. Lake Forest Dr, Suite 240
McKinney, TX 75070

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